Monday, July 8, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 8, Arts and Crapfts

Let me talk a little bit about my summer job.

Fingerprint flower petals, aka not our best idea.
Don't give little kids markers. Just don't.

I work for my brother in law, Matt, who works for the Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey.  In the summer, he has to go out and run all these programs with various other summer camps in order to increase their participation numbers.  I help him with his programs, and one of the camps we work with has an agreement that the Girl Scouts ( and Matt and our other coworker Natasha) will come three times a week and teach arts and crafts.

Our first craft was name tags.  Mine was about my interests,
and Matt's was Revolutionary War?

I teach arts and crafts.
This is actually from two summers ago, when I did the
same program.  Clearly I haven't improved much.

I'm not good


at arts and crafts.


Arts and crapfts.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I see the Girl Scout Promise, I mentally scream all the words because that's what we did as seven-year-olds to make it fun. Who could yell the loudest? Or with most emphasis at the end (and LIVE! BY! THE GIRL! SCOUT! LAW!) I'm sure our troop leaders were thrilled.
