Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 30, July Favorites

CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE THE MONTH OF JULY IS ALMOST OVER??  I'm freaking out a little bit about having to go be a senior in college, but other than that this month has been pretty good to me.  I had a jam packed day because I was running around getting things for my dad's birthday, which was today, so my brain is a little fried.  I figured that since the month is almost up, I'd share some of the things that I used a lot and really liked.

1.) Birchbox!

At the beginning of the summer, I subscribed to this service called Birchbox, which sends you a box of deluxe sized health and beauty samples each month.  It's only ten dollars a month, and every time I get a new box it feels a little bit like opening a present.  ...A present that I bought for myself.  Anyways, there have been a couple of products that I've really loved from this box, like this lip pencil and this moisturizer and these two blushes.  Not bad for only ten dollars a month.

2.) My skincare routine.

Once I tried to wash my face like this.  It was a mess.

In the past few years I've been pretty lax about my skincare regimen.  I was using a cleanser that was too harsh for my skin and no moisturizer and no exfoliant.  This summer I decided to actually take care of my skin, and I started a brand new routine.  It's pretty simple, and I only use three products even though there are a few things I should be doing like twice a week that I just forget to do, but it's still a step up from what it was before.

For my cleanser I use Aveeno's ultra calming foaming cleanser.  I'm the kind of person who likes when soap gets all bubbly, because it feels cleaner.  But apparently the stuff that makes your face wash do that is pretty harsh on your skin, and my skin is already sensitive to begin with.  This stuff is really gentle and it has a pump that turns it into foam, so I still feel like my face is getting cleaned.

After I wash my face I use this toner that is occasionally sold at Target.  This stuff is amazing.  It's gentle, but effective, and it's super duper cheap.  I've only ever seen it sold at Target twice (let's not go into detail about how often I find myself in a Target).  The first time I saw it I bought a bottle to give it a shot, and the second time I saw it I bought two bottles even though I haven't even gotten halfway through the first one, because who knows when it will be in stock again.  Yikes.

The last thing I do, while my face is still a little damp from the toner is use this moisturizer from Aveeno.  I have really oily skin, so I never thought that I needed moisturizer.  Which is just dumb.  And honestly, I knew deep down in my heart that I needed moisturizer, I was just too lazy to use it and I couldn't find one that was right for me.  This stuff is great for me because it keeps the oil under control without stripping ALL of the oil from my skin.

3.) Living in a NEW ROOM.

Obviously this is not my room.  But I'm going to do a big
reveal once everything is completely finished.

My room isn't 100% done yet, but it's finished enough for me to live in it.  I am loving it.  There's a lot more space than there was in my old room, and it's easier to keep it clean, and when I walk into the room, the bright colors make me feel happy and relaxed.  Five stars.


I love love love love having a new phone.  I'm sure I felt this way about my old phone two years ago, and I'll probably be ready to throw my new phone into a wood chipper by the time two years is up, but WHATEVER.  I'M A SHEEP AND CONSUMERISM IS MY SHEPHERD.  But there is a lot that I love about this phone--one of those things being that it does not RANDOMLY DELETE MY CONTACTS SO I DON'T HAVE TO KEEP GUESSING WHO JUST TEXTED ME.  And the camera!  I used my phone to record the vlog that I posted on Saturday.  Not too bad for a phone.

6.) Blogging!

I'll write a wrap-up of Blog Every Day in July for tomorrow, but I'm really glad I took on this challenge!  There were definitely days where I didn't feel up to writing a post, or I just kind of did a throwaway post, but I also wound up with a handful of entries that I really loved writing.  I'm not sure how I'll cope with the freedom of not having to blog every day, but I certainly hope I will continue to blog regularly.  There were a few times that I thought I was going to miss an entry, but then I didn't.  And I'm pretty proud of myself for that.  Let the record show that I CAN finish things that I started!

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