Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 31 (!!), Wrap Up


I am hardcore patting myself on the back right now for getting through all thirty one days without missing a post!  Well..I did take one day as a break, but even then I still wrote a post to let y'all know that it was happening.

I've never done something like this before!  Every time I set a goal for myself like this, I always kind of flake out on it and never follow through.  Part of the reason why I wanted to take on this challenge was to find out if I could see something through to the end...and I succeeded!  It feels good knowing that if I challenge myself, and then jump in head first, I can accomplish things.  Granted, there were definitely days when I thought I had just done a filler post.  But I told myself that as long as I'm posting something every day, I'd end up with a handful of posts to be proud of.  And that is 100% true in this case.

Writing in this blog has been a really great outlet for me to both create and share some of my personal goals, as well as unload some of my thoughts and feelings.  I got to post some recipes, and talk about remodeling and DIY projects.  I talked about body image and managed to set some health and fitness goals for myself.  I even tried my hand at vlogging!  As typical as it sounds, I've learned a lot about myself just from taking the time to sit down and write every day.

What I was the most surprised about was the amount of positive responses I got from friends and family who I can now call readers!  Even though the comment section is pretty dead on this actual blog, I've gotten so many texts and Facebook comments and private messages about some of the stuff I've posted on here, and it's really great knowing that the stuff I put out there for people to see is being well received.  For the longest time I felt like I was either bottling things up, or talking to an empty room...and yeah, sometimes that happens, but there's also sometimes an audience which is awesome!

As for what's next, I know that I don't want to stop blogging.  Every day is a little bit much, but I think that three days a week isn't too bad.  I'm gonna give myself a schedule for blogging that will hopefully take me through the semester, and that will be Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.  We'll see how that goes once the semester starts, I may need to do some adjustments.

I've also thought about doing Vlog Every Day in August, and...I'm still thinking about it haha.  The decision will be made by tomorrow for sure, whether it's to actually do VEDA or to do like VOTWA (Vlog Once or Twice a Week in August), or to just vlog whenever it seems appropriate.  We'll see!

To the people that have been reading from the start:

To the readers that I gained from the past month:


I'm going to take a BLOGGING BREAK from tomorrow, but I'll be back here on Sunday!  Whoop whoop!!

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