Sunday, July 21, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 20, Successful Shopping

For the first time in FOREVER, I went shopping and managed to leave every store with some kind of item to show for it.

Our goals were to find turquoise colored bins/baskets ( and a chair (SUCCESS).

I found this chair at our local Goodwill shop and it needs a fresh coat of paint and some new upholstery, but it was all worth it because it only cost me $3.99.  I feel a little bit like I was stealing...because unlike many of the other chairs in the store, this one was sturdy and minimally damaged.  While we were examining the chair for damage, we noticed that its original tags were still stapled on and that it was a piece by Bassett Furniture that could have been purchased in either 1950 or 1960 (the stamp was very faded).  Not bad, Goodwill.  Not bad.

I'm thinking reupholstering the seat with a coral patterned fabric IF I CAN FIND ANY.  I went to the fabric store on Tuesday with no luck, but who knows, maybe I missed something.  If I manage to get my hands on some coral fabric, then I will most likely paint the chair white because that is what my mom really wants me to do.  What I REALLY want to do is go nuts on this chair and paint it all coral all the time.  I think it would add the pop of coral that this room needs, and honestly, the chair was so cheap that I should be allowed to paint it any dang color I want.  Jeez.

Either way, the current upholstery needs to go.  I put a towel on top of the seat before sitting on it because I was super skeeved out.  Can you blame me?

I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THAT I FOUND THIS LAMP.  This lamp was right in the front of Home Goods when we walked into the store and I needed a desk lamp and it was just perfect.  I didn't think that perfect lamps existed, but they do.

I can't tell if it looks crooked because it's actually
crooked or if it's an optical illusion from the pattern

I also found what appears to be the only coral colored lampshade on the entire planet.  I don't even care the the body of the lamp is a little damaged.  Coral + chevron + lamp = DON'T QUESTION IT JUST HAND THE CASHIER THE MONEY.  We did have a tiny mishap where my mom knocked the lamp off of my nightstand while trying to fill the duvet cover, and the finial at the top got pretty banged up.  Hopefully we can find a way to fix it, but if not I DON'T CARE BECAUSE IT'S CORAL AND I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD FIND A CORAL LAMP AND I'M NOT LETTING IT GO DON'T MAKE ME.


I didn't take a picture of the desk organizer and pen holder that I got from the Container Store but it's no big deal.  They're white wire organizers that I'm planning to spray paint coral, which is another project to add to the ever growing list but I think having the coral organizers next to the turquoise lamp on the white desk will look rrreally good.  So exciting!!

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