Thursday, January 24, 2013


Soooo interesting fact about my school: my spring semester does not start until FEBRUARY.  I've been off for about 6 weeks.  The reason why we have such a long break is because my school has a winter session for all of January, and a lot of students use that time to take classes they don't have time for in the regular semester or to study abroad.  My freshman year of college I stayed home for all 6 weeks of break, and I almost died of boredom.  DIED, I TELL YOU.

 So I wound up taking a class last winter session because I was required to be on campus as an RA and I figured I should do something with my life.  This year I did no such thing.  Instead, I've been living at my apartment during the week and going home on the weekends becauuuuse I can.  THAT'S RIGHT.  I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM ANYBODY.


Anyways, my roommate and I decided that since neither of us are taking classes and both of us had a ton of things pinned on Pinterest that we wanted to make, we would use our free time to try out some pins.  Hence PINTERSESSION!

Do you see?  Winter but with pin.....
Okay you get it.

I've made a ton of fun things, so I figured I would share them here.

The first things Lizzy (my roommate) and I made were these scrapbook paper flowers on canvas, inspired by this pin.  We decided to make them blue and yellow, because they are our school colors ( and gold).  I thought they turned out really nice!  Although I had forgotten how much I hate using modge podge.  Don't worry, I remember now.

I have no shame.
I meant to make a post about these raspberry and mascarpone macarons that I made at the beginning of January.  But I forgot to take pictures of the process and they didn't turn out quite how I wanted.  So maybe I will make a post about the next batch of macarons I make, probably next week.  I will say that I didn't like these macarons as much as others that I have eaten/made/looked at.  I just...I don't like raspberries.  Or mascarpone cheese.  I'm not really sure what made me think I would enjoy them more if I put them together...
The green concoction in the cup is the smoothie that I talked about in my last blog post about cauliflower nuggets. I've been making those suckas all month.  I've started making a version that uses frozen berries instead of an apple, which tastes better in my opinion...but it doesn't turn green, which is half the fun of this smoothie!

I MADE MY OWN SOY CANDLES.  How cool is that??  Except I am literally never ever ever doing this ever again because it was a big mess, it cost more than just buying a candle, and I didn't even like the scent that I wound up with.  Plus, they look pretty sloppy in real life.  Thankfully the camera on my phone doesn't portray these things true to life.  I will most likely end up giving these away as gifts.  Probably to people that enjoy the combination of lavender and vanilla...heavy on the lavender.  Womp womp.

Ooooh instagrammed again.  You just love those filters,
don't you?
I didn't actually make this one, but it's my new favorite game!  I'm not sure if Lizzy got the idea from Pinterest, or just from someone's suggestion, but it was pretty ingenious.  In case you're not sure what this is (...did you have a childhood??), this is a guess who board with the faces of our friends instead of the weird cartoon faces that you would usually play with.  Karen Kavett made this awesome Doctor Who version, and she managed to get her hands on one of the older guess who board games that I grew up with.  We just used whatever they were selling at target!

INSTAGRAMMED AGAIN.  I'll neva stop.

Remember this blog post, when I said that I needed to update my dry erase calendar?  Welll I went ahead and did making a brand new one!  This was made using scrapbook paper (for the background), a glass frame (to make it dry erase), and PAINT CHIPS (MY FAVE)!  There are actually a bunch of pins that inspired this one, but the first one I ever saw was the one Lizzy's friend Mallory made...which I don't have a link to, but it looked pretty freakin' cool.  I really just love the gradient look of the paint chips.  I did my best to make the colors match my bedspread (which is what the frame is sitting on top of...nice, right?).  It was kind of a pain in the ass to make, because I had to cut every color to size in order to make it fit the frame.  But I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

I'm beginning to think that maybe I have
an instagramming problem.
Cauliflower pizza!  I said I would try it in my last entry, and I ALWAYS follow through.  Okay, that's not necessarily true about work, but it certainly is true about food.
This recipe was very successful!  I will say, much like the dipping sauce and breading being the main event of the cauliflower nuggets, the tomato sauce and cheese are the main event of this pizza.  The cauliflower doesn't have quite the same hearty texture as regular pizza crust, and it was a little softer than regular pizza crust.  But I still have reason to believe that there is more to this recipe than meets the eye, I just have to find it.  So there will definitely be a Cauliflower Pizza: the Sequel in the near future.

This is so far my favorite craft from Pintersession.  Lizzy and I gathered up some branches outside, and made these season canvases, inspired by this pin.  We made each season out of a different material.  Lizzy worked on summer, made with craft foam, and autumn, which was made with buttons.  I made spring, which was made with scrapbook paper, and winter, made with glittery scrapbook stickers and cotton balls.  Lizzy and I both had nervous breakdowns while making these.  Everything you see in that picture was individually glued down...except for the glitter stickers.  But glitter has its own special place in hell.  Despite the fact that making these induced several minor panic attacks, I am totally in love with them and can't wait to hang them up.

I still have about a week left of winter session, and next week is going to be a straight up spree.  There's a lot I still want to get done, including some crafts and last minute organizing.  But I'm on a roll!  I'M ROLLING DOWN A STEEP HILL AND I CAN'T STOP.

Sorry.  I'm done.


  1. I am jealous of you because I spend a lot of time pinning things... and never following through. Oops. (I'm also insanely jealous of your free tiiiiime.) I REALLY love the first project with the scrapbook paper. Also, green smoothies are so delicious.

  2. Mel--all of this is so so awesome!! I wonder if the day will ever come when I ever actually do anything that I have pinned....
