Thursday, January 3, 2013

Forgotten Resolution: Get Organized. A list for the future ( week)

OOOH I forgot to list "Get Organized" as one of my New Years Resolutions. Mainly because it is one of my permanent resolutions. Because I am never organized enough. Yyyyikes.

So I'm going back to my apartment at school on Monday, which is when I am going to seriously re-organize and clean shit. I mean...why start as soon as possible when I could put it off til next week? Right?? Right???? ( today I do not get to check off "Didn't procrastinate!" on my nonexistent NY Resolution checklist)

Here is a list of the things I would like to get done in January, which I will be keeping track of throughout blog posts! You can't ever tell me that I'm not ambitious.

1.) Clean all of the leftovers/stuff that has inevitably gone bad over break out of my apartment refrigerator. If any of my apartment mates are reading this right now, I am so sorry. I just...I...I'm better than this, I know.

2.) Clean my bathroom. My apartment is SO DUSTY, including my personal bathroom. It's needs to be cleaned frequently sooo yeah. I also need to clean all the linens in my room.

3.) Dust the rest of my room. I seriously don't understand how dust accumulates so fast in my apartment. Actually, in Delaware in general...because my freshman and sophomore dorms were even dustier. No wonder I get sick so often!

4.) Actually...clean/reorganize my room in general. Yyyyikes.....okay this needs it's own list:
-Main space
-Book shelf--including sorting through/throwing out old papers that I will obviously never use
-Ditto for all the lost and forgotten papers in my book bags.
-Closet--mainly the top shelf. Yyyikes.
-VACUUM THE WHOLE FLOOR. I haven't vacuumed since October, guys. This is embarrassing.

5.) Update my dry erase calendar. I haven't updated it since September...which was wonder I was so scatterbrained for like 50% of last semester!

6.) Order a new planner, because my old one only lasted me until December and I probably should have sprung for a new one in August.....I'm looking to get one of these fancy expensive (for me...) Erin Condren ones because it's pretty and will make me feel like an adult (or I imagine it will) and they have lots of features to get organizzeeeddd. I am not being paid to say this. As if. Does anyone even read this blog??? SOMEONE SPONSOR ME I'M A POOR COLLEGE STUDENT.

7.) DELETE ALL OF MY OLD E-MAILS. This is seriously going to take me like a day and a half. I have like twenty thousand old e-mails sitting in my personal e-mail, and even more unread ones in my school e-mail. Mainly because I linked them for smart phone purposes, so my school e-mail is super neglected and every time I log onto it I feel overwhelmed because gahhhhh.

....I think that might be it.......

I'm going to try and tackle 1-4 as soon as I get back to school on Monday, and hope to be done by Thursday. I will probably wait on numba 6 until I've got some more $$ if ya know what I'm sayin'. And I don't even know how to approach number 7, I'll probably get started and then somehow find myself curled up in the fetal position in my bathtub. I'm gonna have to make a plan to tackle that one.

WISH ME LUCK!! I think that getting organized is going to feel like a full time job this January. Which is good. Something about idle hands and the Devil's thing. IDK.

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