Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions

So I'm getting back to blogging after taking an unplanned hiatus. Unplanned hiatus is just a fancy way of saying I fell off the wagon because I am lazy and get anxiety about procrastination.

Anyways, it's New Years Eve. Yeah yeah, I know. So typical, Melanie. Coming back to your blog just in time for a New Years resolution to blog more. I bet you'll be gone again by mid January. HUSH UP, ITALICS. YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE.

I mean, one of my New Years resolutions is to blog more frequently. But I think that is going to require a few changes in this blog. I am no longer limiting myself to posting about food (but let's be honest...I'm going to post about food like A LOT). I originally thought that being a food blogger would be super fun because OMG I LOVE FOOD. But it turns out that there's a lot more that I would like to talk about. I don't want to say that this is going to be a Lifestyle Blog, because that sounds more adult than I'm willing to handle. Except this is basically going to be me blogging about my is a lifestyle blog. But like...isn't every personal blog a lifestyle blog?? The point is, this is not a food blog anymore. It's about me trying to be like a real human being want to do that.

I'm halfway through my junior year of college and I still feel like people don't take me seriously, and I can't blame them, because I don't really share the part of me that takes things seriously and has interests that aren't related to the Disney channel. I'm still struggling with my health and fitness the same way I was in high school, and I still don't answer e-mails in a timely manner, and I still wait until the last minute to study and write papers, and I am starting to feel the pressure to act like an adult because...I am putting pressure on myself to act like an adult. I don't want to graduate college and then end up thrown into real life without having at least some practice in being a grown up. Even worse, I don't want to graduate college and then end up ignoring real life and still acting like a teenager. I think that I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to grow up, and I don't think that it's a bad thing. I can't be a troll forever!

Anyways, I'm still going to call this blog "Deep Fried Carrots". Because I think it represents a lot about what I need to learn. I think that I struggle with finding balance in almost every aspect of my life. Either I'm super prepared and on top of things, or I wait until the last minute. I eat really healthy, or I eat cupcakes for dinner. I'm really serious/upset/annoyed/anything or OVER THE TOP EXCITED HAPPY OMG FREAKING OUTT. I'm getting tired of it, and the people around me are getting tired of it, and it's time to make some changes.

Anyways here are my New Years Resolutions for 2013:

1.) Get healthy! Same old same old every year. But I would like to tackle one health/fitness goal for every month of this year, so that I have an actual plan. For the month of January, my goal is to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Weekends are no longer cheat days in 2013...I guess lol.

2.)Speak my mind more often on things that matter to me. This is really broad and kind of vague, but I think that having this blog as an outlet will be helpful for this resolution. I've stopped raising my hand in class, I never write to professors to tell them what I think of their lectures (which one of my professor's often asks us to do), I don't usually share my opinions on current events, and I don't talk to people about books and media that I genuinely enjoy (that is not the Disney channel or QVC). I'm not an active participant, because I am afraid of being shot down. Which I have been, but it's time to get over that. I've been too cautions for too long about the things I say, and I'm starting to look vapid to the people that don't know me well.

3.) Blog more! Starting goal is once a week here, and since I don't have to talk exclusively about food, I have no excuses! Except let's get real, I'm still going to talk about food.

4.) Answer e-mails within 12 hours of receiving them (24 MAX). Seriously, Melanie. It's not that hard. AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, GET OVER THE ANXIETY YOU HAVE ABOUT SENDING E-MAILS. Jeez.

5.) Overall, find balance and moderation. I know that there's nothing wrong with treating myself, and that part of who I am is loud and obnoxious (AND FUNNY. AMIRIGHT??). But also I know there's a way to still enjoy the things that I love without going overboard, and that I can still be a fun (and FUNNY...AMIRIGHT???) person without annoying myself and everyone around me.


2012 was an amazing year for me. I had so many wonderful experiences that are too numerous to list. I'm excited for things coming up in 2013, but I'm also excited to see what surprises the new year brings me. I hope you all have a terrific night and I'LL SEE YOU IN 2013 BITCHESSSS.

P.S. Let's go ahead and pretend that the pictures I took of food in Hungary and Vienna got lost because there is no way I can go back and write two more blog posts about July. Saaahhryyyy.

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