Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 7, Happy Anniversary, Melissa and Matt!

A year ago from today my sister got married...

My favorite photo from the day!
(photo courtesy of KGM expressions)

I know this sounds really weird but it feels a little bit like I'm celebrating an anniversary as well.  With like...the party.  We spent all this time planning a big formal get together and all this work went into the very last detail, and when it was all over I think we all felt this sense of "what now?" which, of course only lasted for a day.  My mom filled her "what now" with "start all these remodeling projects", and I filled my "what now" with "go to Europe for three weeks and have the most amazing time of your life".  For Melissa and Matt, their "what now" was a giant vessel that is now overflowing with future plans and opportunities.  I can't wait to see what's next!!

Matt and Melissa in doll form hehehe :)
(photo also courtesy of KGM expressions)

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