Monday, July 22, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 22, Food Glorious Food

So I've been thinking about various ways to get healthy and incorporate more fitness into my lifestyle.  I still haven't quite sorted out what exactly my goals are and what my plan is, so I don't really want to write a post about it.  Instead I'm going to just do a photo-dump of all the food I've eaten this summer.  This summer is like...the summer of stuffing my face.  IDK.  I just love food.

There's waaaay more than the ones up here.  Most of these are directly from my instagram, since I am that girl that always instagrams her food.  There were a lot more pictures of food on my old phone...but it's probably better this way.

I honestly don't mind that I basically ate my way through the summer.  A lot of my meals were spent with friends, and we tried a couple of new places with some interesting new dishes.  As much as I want to get fit and lead a healthy lifestyle, I definitely don't want to miss out on trying new things and spending time with friends.  It's a balancing, and hopefully I will eventually get a handle on it.  I'm doin' my best!

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