Thursday, July 25, 2013

Blog Every Day in July: Day 25, Blogging in Action

I'm trying something new today.  I am blogging on the scene.  I don't know if that's a thing that people do, BUT IT IS NOW.  I'm writing this from my phone while I work out at the gym.  So far it's going pretty well, since I'm on a bike.  I have a feeling I will have to wrap it up on here though since using the elliptical could get complicated.

Anyways, I always feel awkward at the gym when I don't have music or a book to read.  I just feel like I'm exposed and people can tell that I have no idea what I'm doing.  Which is ridiculous because I have never like watched other people at the gym so why would they watch me.  My gym has this sign up that says "JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE" which is probably true of many other gyms, but having a reminder just makes me feel a bit safer in this space.  I'm definitely worried about going back to school and using the gym there and feeling like eyes are on me.  I may need to add that to my list of obstacles to overcome.

WHOOPS my time on the bike is up.  This was fun!  I should try this again!

Okay, time to start my real workout.

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