Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blog Every Day in January Day 18: Stream of Consciousness on a Saturday Night

Guys, cramps are real.

My mom fell asleep watching a Lifetime murder movie, and the music is freaking me out because I can hear the music from my room and I tried to turn off their TV but I don't know how.

Seriously,  why don't TVs have easy to find power switches anymore?? Don't they know that parents could fall asleep on top of their remotes, leaving their kids helpless to even lower the volume???

I bought a candle that smells like caramel and I lit it and now I want to eat it.

Ughhh I want to take ibuprofen but I already drank all the water I was supposed to use for taking ibuprofen because I was really thirstyyyyy.


I don't think I'll ever master the sock bun.

I'm wearing new jeans and I'm really scared that the indigo dye will rub off on my chair upholstery and bedspread. WHY DID I DECIDE TO HAVE SO MUCH WHITE IN THIS ROOM???

Man I gotta go to bed soon. How am I supposed to get ready for bed with cramps like these.


Wow Melanie so beautiful.

Is this post long enough yet?? I'm leaving.

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