Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog Every Day in January Day 14: Getting Stuff Done

I had an amazingly productive day today! I went to visit the high school where I'm student teaching to have a meeting with my cooperating teacher, and I started the day off on a really positive note and I think I rode that wave all day long. And I have some things to show for it, too!

1.) I uploaded a new video onto the Sisters, Not Twins YouTube channel. I'm working on trying to make these videos a little more concise, and I think part of that process will be more planning ahead. I always get a little anxious as I watch the number next to the little thumbs up on Facebook, and the viewcount on the video page. But I've actually been enjoying the video-making aspect of this, and I like to see how many of my friends come out of the woodwork and tell me that they've been watching!

2.) I tackled another recipe! I tried the chicken and dumplings recipe that I mentioned in my post from last week, and it was SO SO SO good. The texture was very stew-like and hearty, and even though it was SUPER filling I still went back for seconds. And I shared with friends, because the recipe made a MASSIVE pot of soup. The only thing I changed was that I cut up some carrots, onions, and celery and sautéed them in the butter before adding the chicken broth. I think next time I'll season it a little more heavily, since there was so much flour in the recipe that it wound up being a little bland.

Dumplings are the key to a girls' heart
3.) It took some time, but I finally got to the bottom of a long list of emails I've been avoiding responding to. Well, the list never really started out that long, but as I crossed items off more items would pop up. As of right now, there are NO MORE ITEMS.

4) Speaking of emails I had been avoiding, I also emailed my nutritionist. #babysteps

Aaaand as per usual, I have written this entry at the very end of the day. Did I already use the hashtag #babysteps? It still applies.

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