Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blog Every Day in January Day 15: Addicted to the Sims

My friend Victoria managed to get me to download the Sims Freeplay app onto my iPad, and I'm telling you right now, it was a mistake. I've only had it since Sunday and I've already wasted hours of my life trying to get my sims to make money and build relationships and establish careers, MEANWHILE all of those things have gone downhill for me within a span of four days.

I figured I would share the stories of my sims with you, since my own personal story currently refers to the six hours I've spent today glued to my iPad just tapping and tapping and tapping. Anyways, I decided to model my sims after all of my favorite celebrities. Enjoy.

Meet Hannah Montana! Now, I know what you're thinking. "I thought Hannah Montana was just Miley Stewart aka Miley Cyrus in disguise???". WRONG. Two months after the series finale of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus-Stewart decided that college wasn't for her, and moved to France (hence the striped shirt and bourée). She got so caught up in her Parisian bliss that she could no longer identify with her outer Miley, and decided to fully embrace her inner Hannah. She now goes by Hannah Montana and nothing else!! 

Enter Justin Bieber who, after a career-destroying week where he both egged a neighbor's property to the point of trial-worthy-damage and was then found with cocaine in his possession, was forced into rehab. It was in rehab that he decided to abandon his music, his haircut, and, most importantly, his swaggy. Now he dresses like a cowboy...or as much like a cowboy as a free version of the Sims would allow.

Selena Gomez (left) had a nervous breakdown after Justin was admitted into rehab, feeling that she was responsible for all of his problems because of their breakup. The guilt drove her to insanity, and she cut off all her hair and left showbiz to try and make amends with Justin...only to find that he was trying to mack on Hannah Montana. Justin and Selena are enemies now. Although, she did make friends with Hannah. ...or did she?

Harry Styles (right) is just having a nice time! After One Direction split up, he found that his pleasant disposition and kind heart just wasn't cut out for celebrity stardom. No one is really sure how he wound up in this town, but he's loving the simple life.

Harry just can't handle watching the 10 o clock news.
Meanwhile, a romance is blossoming between Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber...

Uhhh...Harry and Selena are just minding their own business, planting some corn at midnight.



Also Justin took Hannah's last name, because THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY GUYS. MOVE WITH THE TIMES.

Justin Montana
And before I called it a night, I managed to create one more sim...

First name, Beyoncé. Last name, Beyoncé. Nickname: Sasha Fierce.

1 comment:

  1. I was addicted to Sims in ... high school? College? I don't remember when they were first popular, but OMG. I would use cheat codes for infinite funds and spend hours building houses. HOURS. It is such a huge time suck but it's so much fun and I just... I might have to go download it or buy it or SOMEthing.
