Thursday, October 17, 2013

September in October: A Stop in Kennett Square

So this technically happened in October, but I'm recapping the whole hiatus so I'm gonna say this counts!!

Anyways, I recently completed my high school choral practicum, which is when I went into a high school once a week and taught chorus (...that may not have needed an explanation). My placement for this practicum was at Unionville High School in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania and something that I did not realize until driving up to this practicum was that Kennett Square is a beautiful town!

We (my practicum partner Heather and I) drove right past the main road on our way to practicum, and we caught a glimpse of some of the stores and eateries. The very first time we saw it, we knew we would have to have a "ditch day" (stay in school, kids) and stop into town for lunch and window shopping. Kennett Square is a lot like Haddonfield, in the way that it looks like it has some history, a lot of local business, and tons of character.

The perfect opportunity to explore Kennett Square came a couple of weeks ago. I had just had a really rough time in practicum, and was feeling really down about myself and about my teaching. Heather suggested that since the weather was so perfect that we push our ditch day a week earlier than planned to blow off some steam, since my spirits were still down by the time we left the school. It turns out that this was a fortuitous decision, since the next week it rained on our originally planned day!

We walked up and down the main road to see where we wanted to stop for lunch, and wound up walking into Byrsa Bistro, which had a pretty impressive lunch menu. I have a feeling that if we had shown up a little later in the day we would have cringed at the prices, but the lunch menu price was just right!

We browsed the menu, and weighed our options...

Already the duck flatbread had caught my eye, and Heather was feeling pretty adventurous so we both wound up getting the same meal.

We were both really excited about it, as you can see. And I think that our excitement was pretty justified...

Oh. My. God.

This flatbread was literally to DIE FOR. I WOULD DIE FOR THIS FLATBREAD. Duck? FAVE. Gorgonzola?? FAVE. Balsamic vinegar???? !!!!!! AND FIGS AHHHHH.

It was an emotional roller coaster to say the least.

Also I ate every last bite of that salad and the rosemary potatoes. Ahmazing.

When I bit into that flatbread, it was almost as though my entire day had been erased and I had a clean state to begin again. THIS FLATBREAD WAS A SPIRITUAL REBIRTH.

....sorry, that was intense.

We spent the rest of our time window shopping, which I didn't manage to get a picture of, save one thing:

Man, people really love their roosters.

We stopped into a store that sold home furnishings and I almost splurged on $30 glass tupperware. I'm a little tempted to go back one day and get it...but I resisted this time around! I did buy ten dollars worth of fancy tea bags from the tea shop, though. So delicious!

Plus, I let my good friend Miss Delaware, otherwise known among friends as Becca, know that we were in her hometown and thinking of her! She told us to stop into Talula's for dessert, which we promptly obeyed. Another great suggestion, as I wound up buying two different desserts at once.

The minute I saw that they had macarons I snatched them up. The lady asked me what flavor I wanted and I looked at her and said "Both." like..."duh". I mean business when it comes to my macarons. These are lemon basil and lemon meringue. I also bought a pear and almond tart, which was delicious for breakfast two days in a row! 

The tart was flaky and sweet, and the pear added a nice light touch while the almond gave it an awesome nutty flavor. I'm surprised that I managed to split it into two pieces and pace myself over the course of two days...because honestly, I was tempted to eat it whole. But I don't think those macarons made it through the night...I am seriously obsessed.

It was such a lovely day to take a spontaneous trip! I mean...I don't endorse skipping class to get lunch or anything (STAY IN SCHOOL, KIDS), but this was a decision that I did not regret. Sometimes you just need to decide to have a little fun! Especially when you feel that you've been emotionally attacked by disengaged high school boys that don't understand that I CAN SEE YOU ROLLING YOUR EYES IN THE SECOND ROW but THAT'S ANOTHER POST FOR ANOTHER DAY.

Deep breaths. Duck breaths. Duck bread. Duck flatbread. Yes. Duck flatbread. That is the solution to every problem.

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