Thursday, August 15, 2013

Favorite Places: Haddonfield

Every summer my friend Maggie and I go into Haddonfield for an afternoon to have some tea and go window shopping. This summer we almost thought we'd have to skip out, but managed to fit the excursion in just a week before Maggie goes back to UD early for band camp!

When we got to Haddonfield, which is right next to Cherry Hill--just a ten minute drive from Maggie's house, we headed for the Picket Fence on Kings Highway for some afternoon tea!

We picked a great day to walk around Haddonfield. It was sunny outside, with just the right amount of clouds.  Not too hot, not too cold, and a nice breeze blowing around!

The Picket Fence's tea room is separated from the store by a white picket fence, and it's painted to look like a garden scene. Some people say it's a bit much...but I think it's just right!

One of the things I love about the Picket Fence is their collection of teacups and saucers. I've been there too many times to count, but I've never used the same cup twice!  

Maggie is very excited about tea!

I ordered my favorite tea--ginger pear!

This tea room doesn't use tea bags!  Fun fact: when you use a tea bag, the tea leaves don't get to expand so their flavor doesn't get fully steeped. Here they pour the water over loose tea leaves in the teapot, and then when you pour the tea over a strainer placed on top of the cup! So fancy, and so much more flavorful. I only needed one cube of sugar for my tea!

I also ordered a scone because YUM.

Pinkies out!

Maggie told me that the signal for "I'm done with my tea" is to turn the cup upside down and place the spoon on top. I don't know if that's true...but I went with it! 

After tea time, we spent the rest of the afternoon window shopping down Kings Highway, and looking around some of Haddonfield's specialty shops.

Halloween stuff already?? Maybe Halloween comes early in Britain.

It looks like Hickory!!

I'm thinking of replacing my bedroom window with this stained glass vineyard themed one.

Roosters for Melissa.

I don't know if you can tell, but this bottle is GIANT.

This shop had a lot of bunnies.

We finished up window shopping, and stopped by the dinosaur statue (they found dinosaur fossils in Haddonfield and named the dinosaur after the town!) to pay our respects. And also to get to the cupcakery next door!

Indulgence Cupcakery specializes in these delicious miniature cupcakes. 

You would think that less cupcake means less excitement, but that is not so! Somehow they manage to make their cupcakes super moist, and their frosting light and flavorful. And there's always a little bit of filling in each cupcake to keep things interesting. SO GOOD.

I decided to get a mango cheesecake cupcake and a salted caramel chocolate cupcake. I think picking a favorite cupcake would have to be like picking a favorite child...only harder because I don't have children.

After nomming on our cupcakes we headed back to Cherry Hill and called it a day! I'm glad we waited until August to go into Haddonfield, because the weather was nice and mild. Such a lovely summer afernoon!

1 comment:

  1. Fun fact: the Hadrosaurus was actually the first nearly complete set of dinosaur bones to be discovered in the world!!
