Earlier in the semester, my sister and I started doing this thing called Schedule Captains, where we would email each other our schedule for the day and then do periodic updates on our progress. We kind of fell out of the habit, because we both got too busy living in our schedules to type them out. I'm thinking that I might need a schedule captain for the next three days of my life. Unfortunately, Melissa is moving into her NEW HOUSE today...so I am not going to send her my schedule because she ain't got time fo' dat. Instead...THE INTERNET IS MY SCHEDULE CAPTAIN. WOOHOO. Here's what's in store for the next few days:
11:45-12:45: Do video reflections for Conducting
12:45-1:45: Work on rep lists for Choral Lit
1:45-2: Lunch
2-2:30: Finish up rep lists for Choral Lit, OR start working on 2-year plan
2:30-2:35: Stretch/Facebook. NO TUMBLR.
2:35-4: Work on 2-year plan for Choral Lit.
4-4:30: Go on tumblr BUT JUST FOR 30 MINUTES
4:30-5:30: Go to the library to get books.
5:30-6: Either decide to go back to my apartment, or stay in the library and finish up 2-year plan stuff.
6-6:30: Eat dinner somewhere somehow
6:30-7:30: Finish up 2-year plan or work on Music History paper.
7:30-7:45: Take a break.
7:45-9: Work on Music History paper.
9-9:15: Snack break
9:15-10:30: Keep working on paper.
10:30-10:45: Another break.
10:45-??: Keep. Working. On. Your. Paper.
Tomorrow (Monday)
7-8: Wake up/shower
8-9: Eat breakfast.
9-10: Work on paper
10-10:30: Meander over to Choral Lit final
10:30-12:30: Choral Lit final/GET YOUR LAST BUBBLE TEA EVER NOO
5: Turn your paper in, no matter how ashamed you are.
5-6: Cry in the fetal position.
6-7: Eat something because you probably forgot what eating feels like.
7-9: Practice piano stuff for MUED final.
9-10: Go over interview questions for MUED.
10: Go to sleep. You earned it. Hopefully.
6-7: Wake up/get ready for the day/tame the beast that is your hair
7-8: Eat breakfast
8-9: Practice piano stuff for MUED Final and go over interview questions
9-9:15: Meander over to MUED final
9:40-noon: Eat/sleep/cry/whatever
12-3: Start packing!!
3-whatever: Study for your history final
Music History final at 10:30 then GO HOME FOR THE SUMMER WOOHOOOO.
As you can see...life is going to be a bit crazy (crazier than usual...) for the next three days. Hopefully I will be able to come back to this blog post and edit in updates about my progress. Or I will cave under the pressure and run away to Canada with a new identity and a different hair color. Who knows.
I also wanted to share a recipe that I have been making for breakfast the past couple of days, because it is delicious.
When I was fifteen, I went on an exchange trip to Spain for 3 weeks. As you can probably already assume, I basically ate my way through that trip. One dish in particular that has stuck with me, even six years later, was the tortilla espaƱola...which is basically a big 'ol potato and onion omelette. Only..it's so much more than that. My favorite version of this was the one that the grandmother in my host family made. She made it every day, and I'm pretty sure that it is the sole reason why I gained like fifteen pounds in Spain. Something about the size of the potato chunks, and the sweetness of the onion, and the fluffiness of the eggs. I still have dreams about that tortilla. And I STILL. CAN'T. MAKE. IT.
I am such a failure when it comes to cooking scrambled eggs...or omelettes, more specifically. They just...they never turn out quite right. Combined with the added pressure of putting potatoes and onions in that? Nope. Never made a successful frittata. Sooo even though I just told you a story about a tortilla...that's not my recipe.
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I'm not even pretending that these pictures were taken with anything but the camera on my cell phone |
This recipe was inspired by my favorite Spanish tortilla. I had some left over frozen hashbrowns from a breakfast casserole that I made for a class, so I had intended to do a fakeout frittata. Except...the onion that I had been keeping in a plastic bag in my fridge went bad. Go figure. Instead of onion, I just diced up some bacon and called it a day.
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If this was iron chef, I would receive a 0 for plating. |
Since I knew this wasn't going to be anything like the tortilla that I love, I didn't even try to make it a perfect circle. It's okay...it was still so so so delicious. You really can't go wrong with eggs and potatoes and bacon. It's not possible.
2 slices of center cut bacon
A handfull of frozen hasbrowns
Some olive oil
2 eggs
Salt n' peppa.
1. Dice up that bacon real good. Yeah, you like that.
2. Put the bacon in the pan and let it cook up a bit.
3. Drizzle in some olive oil, then throw your handful of hasbrowns in and stir it around with your spautla. Season with salt and pepper.
4. While your potatoes and bacon are falling in love, crack your eggs into a bown and beat 'em up. I like to add salt to my eggs while I'm beating them, but apparently you're not supposed to do that? Do whatever you want, it's your food.
5. When your bacon looks crispy and your potatoes are looking golden, pour in your beaten eggs. Maybe remove from the heat. Actually...definitely remove it from the heat.
6. Make yourself an omelette! I have no authority on this. Just make sure your eggs aren't raw.
Wish me luck on my finals. Hopefully I will make it out alive to blog another day.